Saturday, July 10, 2010

I apologize for taking a whole week to get this up and running, but this week has been the craziest roller coaster ride of my life! July 3, 2010, was just another Saturday, Tim was playing flag football and I had big plans of celebrating my cousin, Ashley's birthday at the beach. The phone rings and shows up as "My hubby", but on the other end was Danny's voice. Danny was calling to inform me that Tim had been "injured" playing flag football and that I needed to meet them at Shands hospital. Tim asked Danny not to scare me and he did well, I calmly drove to the hospital, but was soon surprised to find Tim in the Trauma unit with no feeling in his body, from the chest down and 2 broken vertebrates. He was slowly gaining some movement in his toes and fingers but they considered Tim a partial Quadriplegic. It quickly became surreal, this can't be happening to my husband, not me, not us and not now. Here I am 25 years old, Tim, 29 and only married for 3 years. What does God have in store? What is his plan? I know those questions will be answered in time, but for now, I have to be the wife that I vowed to be when I said "I do." I have to be strong for him, I have to get him through this. He CAN and WILL push through! I have faith, we have an amazing support system and the number of prayers going out are outrageous!

Day 1: Tim has feeling and movement in his toes and fingers and is stronger on the right side. The doctors have screwed a halo into his head to keep his his neck in place and from moving. The x-ray shows the 3rd and 4th vertebrate are broken and he has some spinal damage. Tim is scared to death, but most importantly wants to have babies with me! LOL... And that is a major concern of his right now. The doctors have assured us that there are ways.

Day 2: Tim's surgery was at 9 am and it was successful! They went in through the front of his neck and fused the 2 vertebrates together. After the surgery, he was able to move his right knee and his left just a little bit. They have him on a breathing tube, which goes down the throat, it is very uncomfortable but necessary since he has some damage to the diaphragm. He can breathe on his own for a lot of the day, but tires out. There is a feeding tube through his nose and several other hook ups, he is heavily sedated and given pain medication constantly. He is mouthing his words and I am learning to interpret. When I can't understand, we use an alphabet board, I go by rows and when he finds the letter in the row, he mouths yes to me and we go letter by letter to slowly spell out the word.

Day 3:Tim's breathing has gotten a little better, more of it is on his own, without the ventilator. Tim has a fever, but they have not yet identified what it is caused from. There are several tests out but results can take several days. Tim can move both legs better today!

Day 4: Tim's occupational therapist came in and worked with him, she was very pleased at what movement he already had. He is contracting his muscles and working really hard at his exercises. Tim had a bronchial test done to test for pneumonia, so far, clear. Doctors are now talking about a tracheotomy to help with his breathing after being on the ventilator for 10 days. We are hoping he can breathe on his own by then and will not need it. Pastor Joe stopped in to pray with Tim today and he was so happy to see him. We requested for visitors to stay away as the doctors wanted Tim to rest and break the fever.

Day 5: Tim has really made progress! The occupational therapist even sees a difference. Tim is able to close his right fingers, still weak on the left. Dr. gave him a 1.5 of 5 on the left side and 3.5 of 5 on the right. Tim met his orthopedic surgeon that will perform the next surgery, they will go in through the back of his neck and secure the vertebrates and remove the halo. He will be in a neck brace after the surgery. Tim asked the surgeon if he would be able to walk again. The surgeon responded that with the current movement he already has, it is a very good indicator that he can, with a lot of work. He may not be as coordinated, but from what the surgeon sees, it is encouraging. Tim has a few new ways of getting the nurses' attention, sucking his tube and kicking the side of the bed. He cant push the nurse's button, so that really limits him, but he has it all figured out now! He has become impatient, uncomfortable and really just all around tired of being in that bed. He doesn't want to rest and wants to go home.

Day 6: Tim still has a fever, they are controlling with Tylenol but it really needs to break in order for them to operate. Tim wants everyone that comes in to exercise his arms and legs, nurses included. He just wants to move! We received test results and he has a staph infection, that is where the fever is coming from.

Day 7: Movement is all around better. He is able to lift the right arm just a little bit and he has some feeling in the butt, which is really good for walking. Fever is down, but must stay down in order for them to operate. Hoping for surgery Sunday or Monday!

It has been the longest week of my life, but the hospital staff has been really great, very encouraging and they are really impressed with Tim's progress, which gives me some comfort.

Thank you everyone for the support and most of all, your prayers! God is answering them already. Tim will soon be off to Brooks hospital and working towards a full recovery!!

Some inspiration...
"Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
