Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Still no Brooks, but progress!

Tim had his second and final surgery on Sunday, July 11th at 9 am. The orthopaedic surgeon was amazing! He actually prayed over Tim before the surgery, he admitted that he was only human and asked for God's guidance over his hands during the operation. The surgery was to secure the vertebrates from the back, leaving a total of 8 screws in his neck. After the surgery, he was very sore and complained that his neck hurt. The nurse was able to get a patch for his neck that actually numbed it on the skin and pain killers for the pain on the inside of his body. The halo is off and he is now in a neck brace that is soft and cushioned, not like the hard neck braces that you often see. Tim has a fever once again, but they aren't sure where it is coming from, it could be from the surgery or a new or lingering infection. The surgeon's assistant came in and gave Tim a 5 of 5 on the strength in both legs. :)
On July 12th, at 1 pm, Tim's breathing tube was removed. He needs a full 48 hours of breathing on his own, in order to be transferred to Brooks. He has surprised everyone, he has completed the 48 hours now and is even eating and drinking! Tim is talking again and feeling a whole lot better. He is dependent on little pain medication, but is still running a fever, so they will continue to keep him on the Tylenol. I think it is also safe to say that Tim will not need a tracheotomy! (which is the breathing device that is put into your throat and another operation)Hallelujah! Tim has started to become emotional, which is expected, I am really surprised that it took this long. He is scared that he will not gain everything back, but is doing his best to trust in the Lord and keep a positive attitude. He has been grumpy the last few days from lack of sleep, but is in much better spirits today and thanked me for being so good to him and standing by his side. If his fever goes down, they will send him to Brooks (hopefully tomorrow or Friday). This week has been much better than last and he is so close to starting his rehab! I am excited to get into Brooks, because Tim and I will have a private room, he will have a bed and there is a sleeper sofa for me. Please keep praying as Tim still has a long way to go, rehab will be very aggressive for the next 30 days. Tim and I love you all and appreciate the prayers and support.